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For ozone disinfection solutions trust the leaders in ozone disinfection
Disinfection is the destruction of pathogens, particularly bacteria kill, inactivation of viruses, removal odors and removal of parasites: Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidizer and disinfectant at a reasonable cost!. OzonoSys is the leader in ozone disinfection technology and strives to provide the best ozone disinfection systems. OzonoSys disinfection utilize ozone reactor technology to solves water quality problem, wastewater treatment, swimming pool treatment, hotel room sanification, hospital and SPA disinfection, removal of parasites, removal bacteria and air pollution control problems. The high oxidation potential of ozone is utilized to its greatest advantage with ozone disinfection equipment. The scientific literature has reported that ozone reacts thousands of times faster than chlorine and consequently disinfects very rapidly. Disinfection guidelines prefer ozone to chlorine because, contrary to chlorine which always leaves an oxidation or disinfection byproduct, ozone simply will revert back to oxygen. There is no chemical to store and no residual disinfection by products to monitor. OzonoSys is available to answer any questions you may have about ozone disinfection and our ozone disinfection processes through the use of ozone disinfection technology. Feel free to contact OzonoSys about our ozone disinfection technology.
Disinfection with Gaseous Ozonation
Most benefits of applied ozonation in hotel rooms, SPA, restaurant, medical office have been achieved in the substantial reduction of odors, remove fungus spore production, elimination of viruses and bacterial pathogens. The agricultural industry producing edible horticultural crops is very much concerned with the shelf life of their products. Despite thorough washing and rinsing, one can simply not completely prevent a decay process and possible infection by human pathogens. The consumer has demanded produce being of fresh quality and a high safety standard. The challenge of preserving taste, odor, and extending shelf life significantly, can be met with gaseous ozonation. Applying gaseous ozonation today in a post-harvest environment is accepted by the regulatory agencies, the EPA has allowed ozone as a disinfectant. While packaged during transport and product in storage, the primary objective with ozonation is sanitization and extension of shelf life. Since in all of these operations humans would come in contact with the ozonation process, a controlled and safe environment is essential.
Dr. Vito Angiulli
Via Vincenzo Ragni, 127
70024 Gravina in Puglia (BARI) - ITALY
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